Tuesday, May 3, 2011

blood transfusions, kidney failure, loss....oh my!

having a blood transfusion tomorrow....apparently it takes like, six to seven hours so i get to hang out in a hospital bed all day....it's fine because my legs and feet are so swollen i can't walk anyway....

which brings me to the NEW part in rachel being sick.....my doctor is worried i might be experiencing kidney failure.....so yeah.....i had about a million blood tests today, i'll be having this transfusion tomorrow and......

i had to quit my job.

i don't know if i'll be able to work, or if i'll be confined to a hospital bed for the next few weeks, or what....so i had to quit. i'm praying a lot, really trying to keep in mind that the Lord does everything for a reason.....

all these things considered, i had a pretty bad day.....but i'm a little better now....

pray for me?


jennsdaisypatch said...

ALWAYS praying for you sis. love you

hannabaorange said...

AWw honey that's awful!! :( I'm sorry you had to quit your job, I know how much you loved it!! I'm sure they understood though! Everything does happen for a reason, like you said, and at this point, the reason is you are going to get better!! :) Thinking of you xoxoxox <3